MSR-Traffic GmbH
Würdinger Str. 27 | D 94060 Pocking
Phone: +49 8531 9004-0
Fax: +49 8531 9004-259
Managing director: Harald Schmitt, MBA, M.Eng.
Legal form: GmbH | Domicile: Pocking
Registration court: Passau
Legal venue: Passau
HRB: 7775
VAT ID number: DE 268091765
Responsible in terms of media law (ViSdP) for the content of the pages, if not otherwise indicated: Harald Schmitt
For all named articles and publications the undersigned is responsible in terms of media law (ViSdP)
Terms of use and data protection
This website has been designed by MSR-Traffic GmbH, Würdinger Straße 27, D-94060 Pocking. MSR-Traffic GmbH is the owner of the website and its contents. You are only allowed to use it, if you will accept the terms of use mentioned below. By using the website you automatically agree with these conditions.
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MSR-Traffic GmbH carefully pays attention to the accuracy, completeness and actuality of the information contained in the website. MSR-Traffic GmbH recommends, however, verifying the information before using it. Our contact persons would like to assist you in this field. MSR-Traffic GmbH cannot assume any liability for the content of this website nor for damages arising out of the look at, the download or the use of this website.
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