MSR-Group international: Europe-wide subsidiaries for gas detection and parking guidance systems


MSR-Group offers expert knowledge on the subject of gas detection and vehicle detection with its international partner network and six of its own subsidiaries worldwide.


With its subsidiary MSR-Electronic, the company offers a wide range of gas detection methods and products on an international level. The gas detectors are used in a wide range of applications, such as garages and tunnels, laboratories and medicine, industry, H2 transport and the marine sector. The sensors and controllers monitor gas leaks seamlessly and reliably.


The subsidiary MSR-Traffic offers parking space managers maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness in parking space management through innovative technologies such as the detection of parking spaces using magnetic field technology and ultrasound technology as well as camera technology for indoors and outdoors. The applications here range from companies, cities and municipalities to hospitals and airports.


The following contact persons are available in the MSR branches:

MSR-Nordic, Branch MSR-Group

From the idea to the turnkey parking guidance system. 
MSR-Traffic  offers innovative sensor technology and intelligent parking guidance systems that enable counting and single space detection of vehicles indoors  and outdoors.  Drivers are quickly guided to the next available parking space via dynamic traffic control technology or via app. With  magnetic field sensorscamerasultrasonic sensors and state-of-the-art   LED displays,  the company offers innovative products and solutions for finding and monitoring parking spaces. In addition to the development, production and sales of intelligent parking guidance systems, MSR-Traffic also supports the planning and installation on site. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us, send us an email or contact one of our European branches.