It’s getting colourful. New SONICI RGB parking space sensor enables smart parking.

Whatever colour the customer wants for the ultrasonic parking space sensor. MSR-Traffic provides over 16 million colour shades.


Things are colourful at MSR-Traffic in Lower Bavaria. The ultrasonic sensor (type SONICI RGB) is used for single space detection for identifying the occupancy status of parking spaces. Ultra-bright, coloured LEDs indicate the status (occupied/available/reserved) of the parking space. The special highlight of the sensor: there is a millionfold colour selection for the configuration of the LEDs.

MSR-Traffic GmbH, Ultrasonic sensors in different colours
©MSR-Traffic GmbH, Ultrasonic sensors SONICI RGB

The ultrasonic sensor transmits informations in real-time

The sensor and the LEDs are located in one housing.

Monitoring of the individual parking space with detection of the status and transmission of the information takes place in real time via controller and PGCC control software.

The occupancy status is visualized by means of the integrated RGB LEDs.

Features of the parking space sensor

  • Based on ultrasonic distance measurement, the sensor determines the distance to the ground or vehicle.
  • The result of this measurement is transmitted to the PGCC control software via the controller.
  • Long service life, low maintenance, uncomplicated commissioning
  • Housing for ceiling or rail mounting


From the idea to the turnkey parking guidance system. 
MSR-Traffic  offers innovative sensor technology and intelligent parking guidance systems that enable counting and single space detection of vehicles indoors  and outdoors.  Drivers are quickly guided to the next available parking space via dynamic traffic control technology or via app. With  magnetic field sensorscamerasultrasonic sensors and state-of-the-art   LED displays,  the company offers innovative products and solutions for finding and monitoring parking spaces. In addition to the development, production and sales of intelligent parking guidance systems, MSR-Traffic also supports the planning and installation on site. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us, send us an email or contact one of our European branches.